To scores of HGTV viewers he's known simply as "Tym the Renaissance Guy" on the hit reality TV series, HGTV Design Star. That’s where Tym energetically showcased a variety of abilities including his highly inventive designing to actual hands on execution, all while navigating cleanly among his drama-laden cast mates. He is an unabashed "less is more" artist/designer with a highly inventive design sense that can't help but draw you in.
Tym's skills and abilities go well beyond his Design Star persona, (interior
and exterior design) to fine artist, (sculptural furniture and photography)
award winning singer/songwriter as well as a run at professional ski racing
and adventure skiing. The common thread here, running like top stitch on
a leisure suit lapel, a passion for using his wild imagination in a creative
and inspiring way in everything he does!
Tym went on to do a number of post-show endeavors including hosting the
design trends show, "Style File" for the World Market Center in Las Vegas,
appear on the popular WETV series "Tamar & Vince", speak at major
metro Home Shows in California and jump into more design projects
including downtown, (Realtor Assoc Showcase) apartment renovations in
his [then] home city of Fort Wayne, IN. "Having the opportunity to be
involved with Habitat for Humanity’s Jimmy Carter Work Project in L.A. and
doing a Flower Fairy theme bedroom for the Make A Wish Foundation has
been really inspiring to me. I’m thankful for that!"
Tym [and his wife Dawn] are currently living in Nashville, TN where he is
working on a new multi-residence design/build project in the creative
enclave of East Nashville, designing new furniture and writing & recording
new music under his band moniker, "Black Denim". A rolling stone of
Tym graduated from Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania with a
combined major in Art and Business. During his late college years he met
and married his wife Dawn, (herself a successful artist) and went on to
manage her highly successful art career while pursuing his own
professional racing and adventure skiing. He also produced and hosted his
own tech tip skiing series for television and appeared in two action sports
Tym soon began to pursue his own art career doing manipulated
photography and was accepted into many of the top juried art festivals in
the country. On the heels of photography Tym forged a partnership with
long time friend, Dougal Hartman to develop a highly inventive sculptural
furniture line.
The design and building of his families own residence and studio became
the catalyst for a number of significant design projects. Design grew to be a
primary endeavor for Tym including both residential and commercial
projects. Tym is a unique designer in that he can not only design but is able
to be hands-on with many tasks required to execute the design.
From the earliest of his creative design endeavors, Tym has been drawn to
eco-design as a given not an option. As Tym said in his latest "Style File"
show for World Market Center, "The green trend is officially over" it's over because it's no longer a trend but a lifestyle commitment. To say you're a designer in the 21st century and not be using sustainable materials, re-
purposed items or recycled products whenever possible well, that's not
really design at all. Interior/exterior design is all about finding beautiful,
creative and functional solutions to inspire a persons everyday journey
through their surroundings and that means minimizing the damage for
future generations.
In recent years, Tym has added another successful creative undertaking to
his quiver of skills, (singer/songwriter) winning two major showcases almost
immediately. Along with his recent design and television projects, Tym has
been in the studio recording some of his best music to date.
Whether it's on camera, in front of an audience, designing for a client,
sculptural furniture, music or any other endeavor in Tym's plethora of skills,
you can bet it will happen full-on, with all out creativity! |